Ascites - a condition that can be caused by liver disease in the later stages

Ascites is a condition that typically occurs in patients who have a progressive form of liver disease that has reached the later stages. Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the stomach - particularly in the abdomen - the stomach that causes swelling of the abdomen o.

While liver cirrhosis the most common cause of this condition, other causes of cancer, infection, pancreatitis, heart or kidney failure and tuberculosis are. Ascites is a seriousDisease than the survival rate for patients with this condition is to acquire only thirty or forty per cent after five years of their development.

Symptoms and diagnosis of ascites

If the condition of mild ascites at the initial stage, there is usually no symptoms apparent. In severe cases, where the fluid built in the stomach too, is an individual experience rapid weight gain and bloating, painand discomfort.

Some people may also experience swelling of the legs - especially the ankles. The swelling of the abdomen can also cause pressure on the stomach and lungs, leading to a loss of appetite and shortness of breath.

Ascites is usually revealed during a physical examination, the swelling of the abdomen and can be found in small amount of fluid for laboratory tests for diagnosis. This laboratory test can help determine the cause for aidsubstances contained in the liquid.

Complications and treatment of ascites

If the structure of ascites is severe, you may experience complications and reduced mobility and inability to ensure the right amount of food that you eat interfere with normal daily activities. A serious complication that occurs with too much fluid in the abdomen, "SBP" or "spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, an infectionthat causes nausea, abdominal pain and tenderness.

This condition can be very serious if left untreated and cause a failure within the blood, kidney and disorientation or confusion occur. This condition is usually with intravenous antibiotics, are treated, even after removal of this infection is a long-term treatment must be to prevent their repetition.

Hernia (groin) and umbilical hernia (navel area) candevelop ascites and cause severe abdominal pain in some patients when the intestinal tissue or rolled up or folded and is a surgery is required. "Hepatic hydrothorax" is also a serious complication that can occur and is the accumulation of fluid in the chest or lung cavity usually at the expense of the law.

The primary forms of treatment of ascites were the significant reduction in salt intake and taking diuretics (water tablets), theare drugs that can cause more water to be excreted through the kidneys in urine. If you develop the terms of the ascites and fever or unusual abdominal pain, it is imperative to immediately contact their doctor or healthcare professional.

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